Science says
We've been interviewed and videos were taken.
Read more…We've been interviewed and videos were taken.
Read more…We're happy to announce that from today on our top level domain "" will route over to "", where all things #odl converge.
Read more…A brain-dump / reflection on some of the topics discussed at the 2nd ODL Admin Meetup in May 2014 in Düsseldorf.
Read more…How about promoting the ODL movement by showing off some worldwide statistics? has a simple API which returns all data given by the participating ODLs. To show that we are part of a greater whole, we decided to fetch some of this data and display it on our site.
Read more…Hier also unsere Verträge, die wir von Spendern, Leihgebern und Nutzern vor Ort unterzeichnen lassen, um für alle Beteiligten Klarheit zu schaffen. Hoffentlich.
Read more…We'll attend both the Border:None conference and the ODL Admin Meetup in Nuremberg, Germany, October 25th/26th 2013. Yay!
Read more…Good things will come to those who wait. In our case: A stable and secure network for our beloved testing devices alongside to but separate from our host company's network, yet both sharing the same internet connection. With some old routers, switches and a veteran Airport Extreme base, we thought…
Read more…We're attending the Beyond Tellerrand Conference in Düsseldorf, Germany.
Read more…After a rather long round of tossing ideas around and acomplishing nothing, eh, brainstorming, for, like, weeks, suddenly we found ourself faced with a deadline: If we wanted to enjoy the generous promo offer by Moo Printing and Beyond Tellerrand and get us a bunch of nifty business cards for free,…
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